Isabella Swan has moved from her sunny Arizona home to live with her Police Chief father, Charlie in Forks, Washington.
When she first arrives in Forks, it is the same wet gloomy town she remembers from her childhood. However, there is something
new. As Bella atends Forks Highschool, she makes new friends and becomes on of the most popular kids in the school. Everyone
seems to know who she is. One particular group of students seem to catch her attention the most, and her curiosity gets the
best of her. The students are members of the handsome Doctor Carlisle and his lovely wife Esme. Acording the Bella's friends,
their names are Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper. But the one boy, Edward, an attractive well built guy is what catches her
attention the most. She can't seem to take her eyes off him. To her luck and complication, she finds she has Biology with
him, although he isn't what she expects. He ignores her and acts flat out rude to poor Bella. She can't seem to understand
why until she decides to do some research after seeing Jacob Black (her old friend) in La Push. Everything seems to lead to
one thing; Vampire. He has cold skin, he can move unlike anything else, his eyes change colour, he's never around when the
sun is out and he drinks blood (though Bella doesn't know this for sure yet). She notices Edward is always around when she
is, and decides to confront him about this. Her asumptions were right and Edward indeed was a Vampire. He and his entire Family
live in secrecy, in fear they would be killed. One stormy evening, when the Cullens decide to take Bella to play an unusual
game of Baseball, three mysterious vampires arrive; Laurent, James and Victoria. James is uncomfortably interested in Bella,
and Edward panics. He and his family take Bella away and hide her, but trouble follows her. She gets an unsettling phone call
from her mother in Arizona, and Bella runs away to save her, only to realize James has tricked her and her time is running
New Moon
To Bella Swan, the only thing that matters is Edward. She as found herself an entirly new family, the Cullens,
who even as Blood thirsy vampires, still accept and love her as their own. But her new life suddenly ends as soon as it's
begun. Edward has made a choice, one that will only destroy Bella's life forever. He tells her, he is leaving her because
he isn't good for her. He's scared he will end up killing her, and so he and his family leave Forks. Bella is left heart broken
and alone, feeling empty and lonley. During the several months of Edwards absence, Bella does nothing but feel sorry for herself
and do basically nothing. It's not until she and Jacob become closer that Bella begins to feel even slightly better. She and
Jacob have fun together, and become very close. She even thinks she'd be able to get over Edward. Bella puts herself through
endless harm to try and get over her love. She drives herself into the ground on a motorcycle and even jumps off a cliff,
nearly killing herself. As time goes on, Jacob seems to become more distant to her, and she has no idea why. She belives he
is avoiding her, which is indeed what is going on. Bella returns to the meadow she and Edward commonly came to, and runs into
James' former friend, Laurent. She doesn't understand his reason for being there, and realizes that he's out for revenge.
From what seems nowhere, a pack of huge wolves come and chase off the thirsy vampire and kill him. Later Bella realizes, Jacob
is a werewolf, along with several other of his friends and distant family. He had always wanted to tell Bella, but he explains
it was forebidden and he couldn't tell her even if he wanted to. Now that she knows is secret, Bella and Jacob become closer
again. To Bella's aching heart, Alice returns. She explains that Edward has gone to Italy and is risking his life. He is so
miserable without Bella. Alice takes Bella to Italy to save Edward, and long the road there, Alice steals herself a wicked
Yellow Porsche!
Breaking Dawn
Bella has survived what seems like everything possible. She's survived the vicous and deadky
James, Victoria and Laurent, she's made it out of Italy alive after meeting the intimadating Volturi coven and she's befriended
a pack of tame but dangerous werewolves. Now Bella, after much thought and consideration, has both accepted Edwards proposal
and convinced him to turn her into a Vampire after the wedding. Edward however, relucuntaly agreed to this. Alice has gone
ahead and decided she is the one planning out the wedding, and Bella can only fear what the petite spikey hair'd vamp has
in store for her and Edward. At the wedding, after much emotion and dancing, Edward takes Bella outside. She realizes, Edward
has arranged for her and Jacob to see one another. (Jacob had left to be a lone wolf) and it's the most amazing gift
Edward had ever given her. But the visit is cut short when Jacob flies into rage when Bella tells him after the wedding she
will no longer be human. But that isn't the only gift Edward has for Bella, he has made their Honeymoon a surprise! Bella
isn't to enthusiastic about that, but she's lets him have his fun. When they arrive, she realizes that they have an entire
island to themselves; Isle Esme, a gift Carlise gave to Esme. The honeymoon goes over well, but something strange happens...
Bella becomes sick, and realizes she's pregnant! Edward rushes her home and desperatly demands Carlisie abort it, but Bella
refuses. Over nearly just a month, Bella goes into labour. She is nearly killed during the birth, infact, she is killed. Edward
injects his venom into her, and she is turned into a Vampire. Jacob is informed of the news of the pregnancy, and his pack
is planning out how to exterminate the little creature; it's half human half vampire, thought to be the children mentioned
in a myth that killed and murdered endlessly. Jacob doesn't want any harm to come to Bella, and runs off on his own. Seth
comes with him, and they form they're own pack, even if Jacob denies it. When the child is born, and Bella is turned, Jacob
is determined to kill the baby, but when he sees her, he imprints on her and he is forever bound to her. Bella wakes up, and
finds herself a vampire. Everyone is sketchy about her, thinking she'd be the typical newborn and be vicous and thirsty. But
she isn't anything like that. She is calm and relaxed. When she discovers Jacob has imprinted on her baby, Bella is furious.
She runs him out of the house and attacks him. He ends up being fine and but Bella is sill annoyed. Leah comes and finds her
brother and Jacob and joins their pack. She claims she came for the sake of Seth, not to help any blood suckers. Alice has
a vision that the Volturi come for Renesmee (Bella's baby) and takes off with Jasper. Everyone is put on full alert and the
Cullens are forced to contact every vampire aquantance they know in hope of a way to convince the Volturi that Bella's darling
baby is indeed harmless.
Disclaimer: The Twilight Saga (c) and all it's contents
belong to Stephanie Meyer and Little, Brown. I own nothing, except the site but all it's contents belong to it's rightful
owners. All FanArt, FanFiction and Fan Costuming was used with permission.